Birchbox UK: review (May’18 & July’18)

Makeup & Skincare

After few months of following on social media I finally subscribed to one of the most popular beauty boxes in the UK – Birchbox.

Most important, I liked the idea of getting and trying new skincare and makeup products from different brands, including well-known names like Rituals… and Lumene, and not spending long hours in Boots while selecting essentials – I literally spend an hour once selecting a sun cream! Also, since I moved to London and throw away a lot of my cosmetics, I needed an update to my makeup bag.

As Birchbox quite often has pretty good offers for new subscribers, I used a promo code to receive a July box plus a surprise mystery box from previous months. So I got two beauty boxes with 10 new products for only £12.95!


All black pamper night

Makeup & Skincare


Every girl needs a pamper night, especially during this awful weather! We just had six days of snow in London, and I myself felt these unexpected not-Londonish weather conditions on my skin – it’s sooo dried! So, my perfect pamper night set is all black! And, of course, has an obligatory British element – this time, a cute guard on my new face cloths from Tower of London! My perfect pamper night also includes at least an hour of my favorite music, most often something I haven’t heard for ages. I like when my body gets all those goosebumps while listening to old favorites. The sense of perfection and all those “Oh my gosh, how could anyone on Earth write this masterpiece” helps me to reduce stress, regain energy, and inspire me to do more and to want more.

My all black pamper set:

Joik Green Tea and Peppermint Facial Mask

Lush Bubblegum Lip Scrub

The Body Shop Vitamin E Moisture Cream

The Body Shop Smoky Poppy Body Butter

Old & New Music

My Helsinki (10-15.07)


It’s been my 12th time in my fav city. I am totally in love with Helsinki! I love every single corner of this city. I love these smiling people, I love how nature meets the urban space. I love waking up to breathe the sea and watch squirrels on the trees. I love the atmosphere, I simply love being here. It makes me feel happy in various ways, and I hate how it makes me feel when leaving.

Suomenlinna Helsinki

Valentine’s Day

Makeup & Skincare, Personal entries

Hello everybody!

Valentine’s Day has just passed. I really like this holiday, and for me it is a day of Love in all its forms and variations, not just a boy’s and a girl’s thing. Love is everything, and it is beautiful.

Never in my life have I felt myself alone or loveless on the Valentine’s – I have my family, my amazing friends, the things I love with all my heart, so why should I ask for some silly presents from a secret admirer just to make other girls envy?

On the morning I opened my postbox and found a letter from Estonia with a Valentine’s card from my best friend. I was so enormously happy and surprised, especially when I read it! This really made my day, and I am still constantly looking on the card on my nightstand.

Tere, Joik!

Makeup & Skincare

Всем привет! Вот и наступил новый 2017 год. Боже, как быстро летит время! Кажется ещё вчера только-только наступила осень, как на календаре и за окном уже приближается конец зимы.

Вчера закончился мой предпоследний семестр магистратуры, и теперь у меня наконец-то появилось больше свободного времени, которое можно посвятить себе, саморазвитию, своим хобби и чему-то новому. Да, я по прежнему very busy, но уже не надо так много времени уделять подготовке к семинарам или написанию эссе 🙂

Вместе с этим я хочу постараться чаще писать в блог. И в своей первой записи в этом году я хочу познакомить вас с эстонским брендом Joik и поделиться своими впечатлениями об их косметике. У нас их продукция продаётся только в Стокманне, и очень мало кто слышал о ней. Моя маленькая мечта попробовать Joik (я же обожаю всё эстонское!) осуществилась с новогодним подарком от Инессы и Лёшича:

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